Christopher Annoual - Jun 01 2023
Battle Against Germs: Gas Pumps Top the List of Dirtiest Objects!

When Common Surfaces Spell Trouble
Fellow Americans! With the cold and flu season knocking at the door, it’s high time to be aware of an unexpected threat – gas pumps! These seemingly harmless objects could be the dirtiest things your hands come into contact with every day. According to a new report from Kimberly-Clark Professional, more than 71% of gas pump handles may be brimming with germs, posing a threat of spreading illness-causing bacteria.
The Hidden Cost of Illnesses
Remember, getting sick can hurt beyond just the physical pain and suffering. Often times when you become significantly ill, there can be a finanical cost to you and your family as well. Not only do you lose precious hours at work but when accounting for medical bills and treatment, even the common cold can end up costing you and your family thousands. Knowing the risks associated with coming in contact with certain surfaces and taking steps to mitigate that risk are paramount to protecting your health and your wallet.
For mor information about this particular study

Avoid Costly Medical bills
What Should You Do?
We highly recommend you invest in a piece of personal protection equipment designed specifcally for protecting you against the harmful germs found on gas pumps. The Pump Pal is a great solution that fits snugly inside your gas cap compartment. Furthermore, the Pump Pal will last a lifetime so you can feel great knowing you're not contributing to environmental polution with plastic gloves or paper products.
SAVE $5 when you use code: HEALTH
Pump Pal Fueling Glove
The only and original reusable gas glove
Over 100,000 Happy Customers
98 % Customer Satisfaction Rating
Pump Pal is a well crafted, pump-ready glove made of the highest quality silicone.
Its sleek design, not only allows it to store directly in your cars fuel compartment, but it also only requires one hand to use.
Pump Pal was made for gas station warriors.
A Close Look at Everyday Surfaces
This revealing study was conducted by trained hygiene experts in bustling locations like Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami, and Philadelphia. They used a device known as a Hygiena SystemSURE II ATP Meter, typically used to keep tabs on sanitation in industries, to swab various surfaces and measure the levels of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is found in all animal, vegetable, bacteria, yeast, and mold cells. If ATP's detected, it means these surfaces might be contaminated.
Surprising Findings
Now, buckle up, because the results were pretty shocking! High levels of contamination were found on:
- 71% of gas pump handles
- 43% of escalator rails
- 41% of ATM buttons
- 40 percent of parking meters/kiosks
- 35 percent of crosswalk buttons
- 35 percent of vending machine buttons
Stay Alert, Stay Safe
Brad Reynolds of The Healthy Workplace Project mentioned, "The likelihood for illnesses to transfer from the objects that people use every day like ATMs and parking meters is eye-opening." Germs are virtually everywhere, and they're more than ready to hitch a ride with us back to our homes or offices. That's why Kimberly-Clark Professional created The Healthy Workplace Project, a unique approach to hand and surface hygiene that helps us understand and prevent the spread of germs.
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